The Risks of Paying for Assistance When Applying for the Aid and Attendance Benefit
Veterans Care
The Aid and Attendance Benefit through the VA can be an incredible resource for veterans who require some type of home care assistance, and because of the value of this pension, there are many unscrupulous financial advisors and other firms that charge a tremendous amount of money for assistance when applying for it.
It is certainly reasonable for an elderly veteran or other veterans to receive assistance applying for this or some other type of pension through the VA, but paying for that type of help is a different matter altogether.
The Veterans Administration discourages veterans from paying for help in filling out and applying for a number of pensions. There are plenty of organizations, including home care agencies, that can offer assistance without charging for it.
What are the risks involved in paying for assistance?
In some cases, the VA has denied veterans certain pensions they would have otherwise qualified for because the simple fact they paid for help in filling it out and submitting it. They have done this in an attempt to discourage others from being ripped off by unscrupulous individuals looking for easy money by taking advantage of those who served in the United States military.
The application process for the Aid and Attendance Benefit is relatively straightforward. What too many veterans are paying for help with, in regard to this particular pension, has to do with assets and income. Some of these financial advisors and firms can move assets around to make it appear as though they don’t have as much as they truly do. Not only is this unethical, Congress is working on certain proposals that would allow the Veterans Administration to look back over a five-year period. To determine the true nature of a veteran’s assets and income level. At the moment, they can only look back over a two-year period.
If a veteran has questions about the Aid and Attendance Benefit, is confused about certain information requested in the application itself, or simply needs assistance filling out and filing it, they can contact their local home care agency for assistance.
Whatever they do, if they find an organization advertising assistance and charging for it, they should simply turn and walk away. There’s no need to pay for any assistance in filling out this or other pensions through the VA.
The veteran should also realize that it can take a long time for the approval process, so the moment they realize home care is necessary, they should get that application filled out and submitted as quickly as possible.