Bettye Jordon
VCC Surviving Spouse of the Month
Bettye Jordon
This month, Veterans Care Coordination is proud to recognize Bettye Jordan, of Rocky Mount, North Carolina as our Surviving Spouse of the Month.
Bettye met her husband Barry in high school. He saw her standing outside with some friends and jumped in his car to go talk with her. They courted by mail while he was overseas and upon his return, they were quickly engaged to be married.
Barry served in the Navy during World War II and the Korean conflict. This service took the couple all over the place, including three years in Hawaii during his time at Pearl Harbor, which was Bettye’s favorite place to live. Later they moved back and settled in Hayward, California. It was there that the couple raised their six children, 4 girls and 2 boys.
As their family grew, they enjoyed more traveling, mostly to local places. They would camp and frequent area lakes. They also loved taking the kids to the movies and spending time together.
In August, 1974, Barry passed away and Bettye moved to North Carolina to live with one of her sons, although she plans to move back to California to be near the rest of her family.
Bettye has been a valued client of VCC for over a year now, and we are proud to serve her to assist with administering the benefits she receives. Thank you, Bettye for allowing us to help, and congratulations on your recognition as VCC’s Surviving Spouse of the Month!