3 Tips That May Help an Aging Veteran in Your Family Think About Home Care

Aid and Attendance Benefit: Home Care For Aging Veterans
Having an aging veteran in your family may be challenging as they age and begin struggling with basic care at home. When they have difficulty with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), you might notice that home care would be a better option for them than going it alone or even calling for help every other day. If they are not sure they need additional assistance, it may not be easy for them to understand the benefits of having a professional aide.
Below are three tips that just might help an aging veteran in your family begin to consider about home care, even if he or she isn’t quite yet ready to make that level of commitment.
Tip #1: Talk about the Aid and Attendance Benefit.
This is a pension program made available through the VA that can provide financial assistance to qualifying veterans. If an aging veteran is not going to talk about home care because he or she can’t afford it on their own, that can be a sign that their income and/or assets are extremely limited.
They wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for a home care aide out-of-pocket, even for a couple of hours every day. However, if they are considered a wartime veteran, meaning they served at least one day of their active duty service during a time in which the United States was officially engaged in combat, they may be eligible for the Aid and Attendance pension.
Tip #2: Discuss what they’re missing out on.
An elderly person spending many days alone at home will be missing out on incredible opportunities life has to offer. We are social creatures and were designed to be with other individuals, not alone.
Unfortunately, as people get older they can lose mobility including having challenges getting out and going to the store. They will most likely spend more and more time alone. This could have emotional and physical repercussions ultimately affecting their quality of life.
The support of a home care aide may help them return to many of the activities they can no longer do alone. Help defend their quality of life.
Tip #3: Listen to what they have to say.
One of the most important factors regarding talking to elderly men and women about what they are missing out on is to listen to their answers. Far too often when we don’t hear what we expect or want to hear immediately, we start trying to convince the other individual that our opinion is right.
Seniors, including veterans of all ages, regardless of disability, have every right to decide what happens in their life. There may be specific reasons why they don’t want to talk about home care right now. Listen to what they have to say.
While listening, you may hear and understand how to best connect with them about relying on home care support moving forward. You may also realize they have various misconceptions about what it entails and what it can offer. This can give you a platform to get things right moving forward.