Are There Home Modifications Veterans Could Benefit from as They Age?

Care for Aging Veterans: Are There Home Modifications Veterans Could Benefit from as They Age?
Veterans, like most other healthy adults, may feel invincible, at least for a while. As people get older, though, their joints ache, they begin to develop back problems, and begin to face new challenges as the years pass. While veterans may not be thinking about home care, at least not until it is absolutely necessary, there are certain modifications that can be made at home to improve safety for them, whether they are dealing with the natural process of aging or an injury or disability in life.
There are numerous home modifications that can improve safety.
For the average veteran, there may be certain pensions or other programs made available through the VA or nonprofit organizations that can assist them with various home modifications. This article is not about those financial supports and resources, but rather what modifications could be key to improving safety, comfort, and quality of life for many of these veterans.
Stair lifts.
If a person has extreme difficulty walking up and down stairs, especially if they are carrying a box, bags, or other items, that leads to an increased risk for falling. If a person is at an increased risk for falling simply by walking up and down stairs, a stair lift can provide them an alternative.
These don’t have to be used all of the time, but when the veteran doesn’t feel confident in his or her strength and balance, they can sit down and be safer as they go up or down the stairs.
Grab bars.
These are bars that may sometimes be confused with towel bars in the shower or tub surround, but they are anchored into the wall studs and provide the support a full grown adult would need to stay safe taking a shower.
These can be ideal in the shower, but they can also be assets around the toilet. A person who’s weak in the legs may have difficulty easing down onto and getting back up from the toilet. Some of these veterans could benefit from this simple home improvement.
Better lighting.
As people age, they will likely deal with some type of vision related problem by the time they are 80. When those vision related problems begin developing, it will be more difficult to see, especially in the evening and nighttime hours.
By improving lighting, it allows that veteran to see more clearly and avoid tripping hazards that might otherwise cause serious injuries.
If you or a loved one are considering hiring home care for veterans, please contact the friendly staff at Veterans Care Coordination™. Call today: 1-855-380-4400