When Long-Term Care Is Needed for Veterans, There May Be Help
Home Care for Veterans
There are different types of care that people may need at different points in their life. For veterans, when the need for short-term or long-term care is required, they may feel like there are no options.
That lonely feeling.
It’s a lonely feeling when you look around and feel like you have no choice but to suffer in silence. Some veterans may not have family in the area. Others may not have any family or friends to lean on.
That can be an incredibly lonely feeling, especially when you begin struggling with basic things.
What could veterans and others struggle with?
As people get older or are dealing with significant disabilities due to injuries or other health issues, they could struggle to get up out of bed, to get up and down stairs, to bathe, to prepare meals, to go to a store, or even to get to doctors’ appointments.
The struggles can only get worse if there’s not the right kind of support on hand, daily, every other day, or once or twice a week. It all depends on the individual, their specific needs and challenges, and their financial capability to pay for support.
When veterans are on a limited income and don’t have too many assets, aside from a house, for example, they might be eligible for what is called the Aid in Attendance Benefit.
This is a financial pension designed after World War I as a way to assist soldiers returning from battle get the care they needed at home. It expanded through the years to include veterans of all ages who may or may not have seen actual combat.
The requirements are that veterans need to have served at least 90 days active duty in one of the major branches of the United States military. At least one day of service needs to have overlapped a time of active combat, as defined by Congress. Loosely stated, this would refer to World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War. If a veteran served any time during the Gulf War, they need to have served at least two years active duty.
For veterans interested in looking into the Aid and Attendance Benefit, their income and assets cannot exceed approximately $119,220, as of 2016. They also need to be able to prove home care support is actually needed right now. The best way to prove this is by getting a referral from their primary care physician.
If you or a loved one are considering hiring home care for veterans, please contact the friendly staff at Veterans Care Coordination. Call today: 1-855-777-4693