How Tough Is It to Fill Out the Aid and Attendance Pension Application?

Aid and Attendance: How Tough Is It to Fill Out the Aid and Attendance Pension Application?
There are plenty of people out there who look at an application form and are immediately intimidated by the number of questions being asked. They might not be sure how to answer certain questions. Some people incorrectly assume that their answer is actually going to affect the application one way or another, at least as it pertains to lifestyles, preferences, and more.
That may be true for some applications out there, but when veterans need any type of home care and are limited in their income, they might want to look into the Aid and Attendance Benefit.
What is the Aid and Attendance Benefit?
This is a pension program that was developed by the VA following World War I. Initially it was intended to provide financial assistance for soldiers returning from battle who had been injured and disabled during combat. It expanded through the years to provide financial assistance to veterans of all ages, whether they served in actual combat or not and whether they were injured or disabled during their time of service or not.
One thing some veterans hear about is how long the approval process takes.
It can take nine months or longer for veterans to find out if their application for the Aid and Attendance Benefit was approved. That sounds like it could be a complicated process, doesn’t it? After all, having to wait up to nine months or even longer? Does that have anything to do with the application itself?
No. It does not.
The reason for the delay is a backlog at the VA due to a lack of personnel. Many of us have heard plenty about the issues the VA has in providing adequate support to veterans of all ages.
The application itself is relatively simple and straightforward. Any veteran who may have been intimidated by the potential week time regarding this particular pension should be encouraged to fill out the application as soon as possible if they can prove home care is necessary, they are considered a wartime veteran, and are limited in their income and assets. It is illegal to charge a veteran or their surviving spouse for assisting them with filling out the application.
When a veteran needs some type of extra care and support at home, getting it from family and friends is fine for a while, but there are plenty of benefits to relying on an experienced caregiver, especially somebody who works for an agency, and the best way to pay for that when on a limited income is through a pension like this one.
If you or a loved one are considering hiring home care for veterans, please contact the friendly staff at Veterans Care Coordination™. Call today: 1-855-380-4400