Veterans Care: Some Veterans Refuse Support

Veterans Care: Veterans are really no different than anyone else. Just because they haven’t served in a few years or even decades doesn’t mean they have completely left behind their training, camaraderie, or personality they developed while in service, but that also doesn’t mean they will act completely different from most other men and women.

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Aid and Attendance: Are you Eligible?

Aid and Attendance: In years past, there was a lot of confusion and even frustration among veterans applying for the Aid and Attendance Benefit. This pension provides financial support to qualifying veterans to rely on a home care aide, visiting nurse, or another professional within the comfort of their home.

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Aging Veterans Care: Denied Aid And Attendance Benefit

Aging Veterans Care: It’s been more than a few months. In fact, it’s already been more than nine months since you helped your elderly father fill out the Aid and Attendance Benefit application. As a veteran who served during the Korean War, because of his limited pension, Social Security payments, and need for home care support, you believed, honestly, that this benefit was a slam dunk.

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There are several different types of pensions available to veterans from all walks of life and all ages. These pensions are designed to provide financial assistance to qualifying veterans, whether they may need help learning a new vocation, changing careers, getting adequate medical attention, or even relying on home care support services.

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