Why Does It Take Some Veterans a Year to Get Approval for Aid and Attendance?

VA Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit: Why Does It Take Some Veterans a Year to Get Approval for Aid and Attendance?
For some veterans, elderly and disabled, the need for home care support might be very real and it may be immediate. However, a pension known as the Aid and Attendance Benefit might take a long time for the approval process.
Why does it take so long?
Because of limited staff, administrative issues, and other factors, processing applications can take several months. In some cases, the Aid and Attendance Benefit is reported to have taken up to nine months and, in some rare instances, even longer than that. There have been reports of this particular application taking a year to be processed and approved. That is just one reason why Veterans Care Coordination holds so much value.
What happens in the meantime?
Many veterans have concerns about whether or not they can get the type of support and care they need while the application is pending. There are many issues that come into play regarding what their options are.
Some veterans might have family who can help.
These veterans are certainly fortunate, and they may be able to lean on adult children, siblings, or other family members and friends to help pay for home care services. Some veterans may realize they can get along well with just a home care aide visiting them for two hours a couple of days a week to start.
If the veteran is confident in his or her ability to be approved based on their requirements, income, and assets, they may go forth and contact an agency and begin receiving these services. The VA does offer reimbursement for some qualifying veterans, but that is certainly not a guarantee.
If a veteran sits down with an experienced individual, somebody who has helped other veterans fill out these applications, they should be given a clear idea regarding approval that could come through. It’s important, though, that veterans do not pay anyone to help them fill out this or any other pension through the VA. If it’s determined they paid for help, they could be denied the Aid and Attendance Benefit, even if they would have qualified otherwise. This assists in keeping veterans from becoming victims of fraud.
If you or a loved one are considering hiring home care for veterans, please contact the friendly staff at Veterans Care Coordination™. Call today: 1-855-380-4400