Three Things Some Veterans Think When They First Learn About Aid and Attendance
Not every veteran knows about the various pension programs made available through the VA. Some veterans may be completely unaware that there is a pension that can provide financial support to pay for home care services when they are needed.
When a veteran is having difficulty tending to their own basic care, either due to the natural process of aging or an injury or disability, they may rely on family and friends as best they can. What would be better, though, is to hire an experienced and professional home care aide, visiting nurse, or a series of caregivers to provide this assistance.
The Aid and Attendance Benefit is one of those pensions that was designed specifically to provide financial support to veterans who needed home care assistance. It was developed following World War I to help soldiers get the care they needed at home due to injuries sustained in battle. It expanded through the years and now provides financial assistance to qualifying veterans who have a specific need for home care, regardless of injury, age, and other factors.
Here are three things some veterans might think when they first learn about the Aid and Attendance Benefit.
They feel relief.
They might have thought they were completely on their own. Since they were on a limited income and had no real assets, they may have felt there was no real option to hiring a home care aide. Learning about the Aid and Attendance Benefit and believing they can qualify can bring a great deal of relief.
They might wonder about qualifications.
Many veterans wonder if they would qualify for this. If they served at least 90 days active duty with at least one day overlapping a time of official combat, if they can prove home care is necessary, and if their income and asset threshold is below $119,000 (the current line established by the VA), then they might qualify for this. In other words, they would need to be considered a wartime veteran.
Do they really need help?
They may have family and friends or their doctor encouraging them to get help at home. At first they may have dismissed this notion because they couldn’t afford it, but now there’s a possibility to get financial assistance. That brings up the question of whether they actually need that level of support and help.
There’s no reason not to rely on assistance whenever a person has difficulty with certain aspects of their own basic care. Veterans and surviving spouses should receive the care that they deserve.
If you or a loved one are considering hiring home care for veterans, please contact the friendly staff at Veterans Care Coordination™. Call today: 1-855-380-4400