Listening to the Experiences of Other Veterans Who Needed Home Care
Veterans commonly rally around one another, especially during a time of need. However, there are some veterans out there who may tend to disassociate themselves from even their closest friends in the service. Fortunately, the vast majority do support one another, look after one another, and try to make sure other veterans are aware of programs that can benefit them in the future.
For veterans who may need home care support, whether it was temporary or permanent, the experiences of those men and women can be instrumental at helping other veterans realize just how beneficial home care services can be.
Some veterans may reach an advanced age and be dealing with the natural effects of aging, which can include muscle loss. That muscle loss can affect their balance and ability to take care of themselves safely.
March is International Listening Awareness Month and when people take the time to share stories about their life, their experiences, and more, and when others take the time to actually listen to what they have to say, it can have an expanding effect. In other words, one person’s story can resonate, be shared, and suddenly touch dozens or even hundreds of lives.
Some veterans may share info about the Aid and Attendance Benefit.
Some veterans may not have any clue about certain pension programs made available through the VA. How are they going to find out about these things?
If they need some kind of support, they may rely on their family and friends, but nothing is going to be better than an experienced home care aide. Unfortunately, some of these veterans never look into hiring an aide because they can’t afford it. There is a pension that can help pay for this type of assistance, which is the Aid and Attendance Benefit.
Some veterans can share insight into the effects of hiring a home care aide.
Veterans and others who rely on home care support services often come to the realization that these support systems can even be better than family and friends. Yes, familial relations can be more comfortable in the beginning, but unless a person has direct experience supporting another individual in this type of capacity, there may be numerous missed opportunities for improving quality of life.
It can help veterans accept assistance.
Some veterans may be fiercely independent and have a difficult time asking for help. Hearing about other veterans who did this very thing may break through the barriers that have kept them from considering home care services.
If you or a loved one are considering hiring veterans care, please contact the friendly staff at Veterans Care Coordination™. Call today: 1-855-380-4400.