When Veterans Don’t Think Home Care Is Affordable, a Pension May Help

Care for Aging Veterans: When Veterans Don’t Think Home Care Is Affordable, a Pension May Help
There are plenty of times in life when it becomes easy to get discouraged. For some veterans, especially elderly veterans on limited incomes, when they begin struggling with their own basic care, aren’t able to safely step into and out of the shower, for example, they can easily become discouraged. They may even give up on certain activities that used to be important to them.
One of the main reasons why they feel discouraged is because home care is not affordable.
At least, this is what they initially think. It’s not just veterans, though, but other seniors who worry about their safety or give up certain activities they used to enjoy. If home care could be beneficial or, even more pressing, if it can improve safety and quality of life for an aging veteran, and if that veteran doesn’t think they can afford it so they never look into it, the Aid and Attendance benefit is a pension that could help.
This pension was developed following World War I. While it initially provided financial support to veterans returning from battle who had been injured or disabled, it has expanded through the years. It now provides financial assistance to be used for home care support for veterans, their spouses, and even widows of qualifying veterans.
Who is eligible for this particular pension?
Those considered ‘wartime veterans’ may certainly qualify based on that provision. The provision essentially says that the minimum time service for qualifying veterans needs to have been 90 days. At least one day of their service needs to have overlapped a time of official combat, which, as Congress defines, is World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War.
If a veteran served any time during the Gulf War, they need to have served at least two years active duty.
Veterans need to be able to prove home care is necessary.
Even though a veteran might benefit from a home care aide or other provider, if the VA doesn’t accept that it’s an absolute necessity right now for their safety, health, or some other aspect of their well-being, they may not qualify.
If a doctor has recommended home care support, that can be extremely beneficial in the application process.
Finally, a veteran’s income and assets cannot exceed $80,000 which is the current threshold. If a veteran is limited on their income and assets and knows home care is necessary for their safety and well-being, they should be encouraged to look into and potentially apply for this pension as soon as possible.
If you or a loved one are considering hiring home care for veterans, please contact the friendly staff at Veterans Care Coordination™. Call today: 1-855-380-4400