How Elderly Veterans Can Weather the Changes Better with Home Care Support
Home Care for Veterans
With the onset of spring, weather patterns can fluctuate tremendously. As was already seen across the country during the first couple of weeks the spring this year, temperatures became incredibly warm and toward the end of March and then, once April arrived, the Northern Plains and the Northeast were hit with incredible cold thanks to a low dipping jet stream and Arctic blast of air.
For seniors, including elderly veterans, it can become difficult to handle these significant fluctuations in temperature and weather patterns. One day it can be in the 80s and the next, or even during the overnight hours, there is a freeze warning in effect.
Opening the windows and doors during the warmest part of the day is a great way to get fresh air flowing throughout the house. It’s also enticing for somebody who may have spent a significant amount of time during the winter trapped inside their house. They just want to get outside, feel the warm sun on their skin, and get active.
Keep warm at all times.
Because elderly individuals, including veterans, have less strength, they also have weaker immune systems. This makes it more difficult for them to fight off infections or other conditions that may not be commonplace for younger adults.
That’s why it’s so important for elderly veterans to focus on the weather, including forecast temperatures, and plan ahead whenever they are going out for the day. It’s also a reason why home care can be a valuable support mechanism for elderly veterans.
Dressing in layers or bringing along an extra sweater or light jacket is a good idea for any senior. Even though the temperature may be in the 80s when they head outside, and they only plan on being outside for an hour or less, plans can change. A simple trip to the park or walk around the block can lead to some other distraction, including meeting up with an old friend, talking with neighbors, and more.
If the elderly veteran is away from home and the temperature begins to drop, it can cause him to start shivering. That’s a clear sign his body is struggling to stay warm, thus exposing him to an increased risk of developing certain health issues, including pneumonia.
How a home care aide helps.
When aging veterans rely on home care support, that experienced caregiver will often think ahead and encourage the senior to dress in layers or bring along an extra layer of clothing, even though he doesn’t think it’s necessary.
At some point in time, most seniors realize how quickly the temperature during the spring can change and they are grateful they relied on the advice of a home care aide.