What Some Veterans Assume About the Aid and Attendance Benefit Could Leave Them Missing Out
Making assumptions is easy. Most of us do this on a regular basis. We have certain prejudices or preconceived notions about other people. We make assumptions about their behavior, what they must be like because of the way they dress, the way they talk, or the way they look at us. It’s a natural part of society, but those prejudices, those preconceived notions can cause people to miss out on some wonderful opportunities.

Aid and Attendance: Aid and Attendance Benefit
It could be some great friendships. It might be an exciting business opportunity that simply passes a person by. For some veterans, if they make assumptions about certain pensions, such as they know, without a doubt, for which they wouldn’t qualify, they won’t apply. But what if some of these veterans could have been receiving a couple of thousand dollars every month to pay for home care needs that was sorely required?
These veterans might turn to family and friends.
Like any other individual, disabled or elderly, when they have difficulty at home, they often turn to family and friends. They call on a spouse, adult child, sibling, best friend, or even a neighbor for some help around the house every once in a while. They might need a ride to get to a doctor’s appointment. They may no longer drive themselves. They may have trouble preparing a healthy meal because they either don’t have the skills, experience, or ability to get things down from the cabinets.
Many family and friends will be more than willing to help, at least at first.
Then the daily rigors of life start to take a toll. Those individuals have to spend more time focused on their own needs and that means less time for this aging or disabled veteran. Hiring an experienced and professional home care aide through an agency would be a wonderful asset.
Many of these veterans already know this, but they simply can’t afford it. Their pension, disability payments, or other income is barely enough to cover their basic living expenses, they never consider it more seriously. If the veteran is considered a wartime veteran, if they served at least one day of their active duty service during a time of official combat, if their service was at least 90 days (if they served any time during World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam War) or two years (if they served any time during the Gulf War), if they can prove home care is necessary, and if they are limited in income and assets, they might be eligible for the Aid and Attendance Benefit.
It’s important not to make assumptions without knowing all the facts and details surrounding this and other pensions that can be beneficial for veterans of all ages and from all walks of life.