VA Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit

Veterans often go through some interesting adventures, even if they never see combat or they served during a time of peace. Some of those adventures often begin during boot camp and can VA-Aid-and-Attendance-Pension-Benefitcontinue throughout their time of service, whether they served two years, four years, 10 years, or even longer or something in between.

As they get older, the sense of adventure may still be present in their heart, but their physical abilities have diminished to the point where they don’t think it’s possible to enjoy that kind of excitement any longer. When an elderly veteran needs help performing certain things around the house, such as with bathing, preparing meals, or even getting exercise, the best place to find that type of support is in the form of a home care aide.

August is American Adventures Month and with the right support system in place, adventures are truly possible once again, regardless of the veteran’s age.

What about paying for home care support?

Elderly veterans may be on a limited or fixed income and might assume a home care aide is simply too expensive for them at this point in their life. That might be true, but depending on their service and when they served, they might actually qualify for a particular pension that could pay for some type of home care assistance.

This pension we’re referring to is the Aid and Attendance Benefit. If the veteran qualifies, he or she might be eligible to receive more than $2,000 per month to pay for home care support. That can allow these veterans to take on some incredible new adventures in life, mostly because they would have the physical support needed to stay safe and take part in a variety of activities or do things they’ve always wanted to try.

In order to qualify, first and foremost the veteran needs to be able to prove that home care is absolutely necessary at this point in their life. Their service has to have included at least one day during an active time of combat as defined by Congress. World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War are all examples of a time of combat.

They also need to have limited income and assets in order to qualify for this pension, and even if they were denied another pension due to their income or asset level, they may still qualify for this one because the threshold levels differ from one pension to the next.

With reliable and experienced home care support, veterans of all ages can take on new adventures and that can lead to a higher quality of life.

If you or a loved one are considering the VA Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit, please contact the friendly staff at Veterans Care Coordination. Call today: 1-855-777-4693

About Kyle Laramie, Founder & CEO

Kyle founded Veterans Care Coordination in April 2011. As its founder and CEO of VCC, Kyle is driven by the memory of his grandfather, a World War II Veteran who unnecessarily missed out on essential VA benefits because Kyle’s family wasn’t aware of available opportunities. In recognition of his impact in leadership, Kyle was named to the St. Louis Business Journal’s prestigious “40 Under 40” list and St. Louis Small Business Monthly’s “100 St. Louisans to Know” in 2014. VCC was named a St. Louis Small Business Monthly “Top 20” small business and a finalist for the St. Louis Post Dispatch Top Workplace (2015-2022), St. Louis Business Journal Best Place to Work (2019 & 2022), and the Arcus Awards (2014). The team has served more than 14,000 Veteran clients and their families. Kyle frequently speaks on Veterans’ benefits, addressing conferences such as the Home Care Association of America and Decision Health. He is passionate about giving back and has built a charitable-minded organization that supports various philanthropic efforts.