Dwight Henry, born in May 1950, was the middle child among seven siblings. His upbringing in Jackson, Mississippi, unfolded against a tumultuous era for African Americans. Yet, he was unwavering in his commitment to pursuing a peaceful path. Henry grew up loving music and had an early sense of responsibility. He started assisting with babysitting,…

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  It is that time of year again when the hot days of summer are gone, and the long, chilly nights and dropping temperatures start to take over. As seasons shift, so do our home priorities, and regular fall maintenance becomes essential to prevent costly home repairs. For older adults, fall upkeep isn’t just about…

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  Jim Smith was born in November of 1948 in the small town of Rayville, Louisiana. He grew up with one sister, surrounded by nature’s beauty, and developed a love for hunting at an early age. Smith grew up in town, where his father worked at a local paper mill. When Smith was a teen,…

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Aging Veterans Care: Caregiver Assistance

Aging Veterans Care: When somebody is struggling with their own basic care, when they face physical challenges as a result of an injury, age, health issue, or some other factor, just getting out of bed, taking a shower, or even going to the bathroom can be frustrating.

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Aging Veterans Care: Simply asking somebody to start ‘relying on home care’ seems easy enough, right? Opening the conversation is a great start, but it’s not enough. Often, people react to this type of advice with a wide range of emotions. Veterans Care Coordination can help. 855-380-4400

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Care for Aging Veterans: Veterans, like most other healthy adults, may feel invincible, at least for a while. As people get older, though, their joints ache, they begin to develop back problems, and begin to face new challenges as the years pass. While veterans may not be thinking about home care, at least not until it is absolutely necessary, there are certain modifications that can be made at home to improve safety for them, whether they are dealing with the natural process of aging or some injury or disability in life.

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Care for Aging Veterans: There are so many challenges people face as they get older, including veterans, that sometimes it’s difficult to truly understand what they should do, what options they should consider, and whether or not they will be able to remain home. Veterans and other seniors today prefer to ‘age in place,’ which basically means they want to remain where they are, even if they have difficulty with their own mobility or are facing serious health issues.

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Care for Aging Veterans: There are plenty of times in life when it becomes easy to get discouraged. For some veterans, especially elderly veterans on limited incomes, when they begin struggling with their own basic care, aren’t able to safely step into and out of the shower, for example, they can easily become discouraged. They may even give up on certain activities that used to be important to them.

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